Load cell type SO (1'500kg-7'500kg)
As market leader for dynamic weighing systems for waste collection vehicles, DIGI SENS has a range of products for a variety of applications.
The load cells of the type ED21/SO 1'500Kg and 7'500Kg have been specially designed for use on refuse collection vehicles and allow, in combination with a weighing computer, calibrated weighing.

Key features
+ Digital load cell technology
+ Legal for trade, tested according to OIML
+ Robust load cell for use on vehicles
+ versions in 1500Kg and 7500Kg
+ High accuracy and interference immunity
+ Small lateral-sensitivity
+ IP68 protection class
+ Integrated calibration memory
Onboard weighing systems, platform scales, container scales, lifting platform scales, mixer scales, flow-through scales, lifter scales for waste collection vehicles, forklift scales
Data sheet